

Bioinformatic workflows used in different fields of biology for educational and benchmarking purposes. This is and will stay a work in progress and we welcome any user to submit PRs to include their workflows.

List of bioinformatic benchmarks included in this repository.

Benchmark name Benchmark description
affy Analysis of MicroArray data
clinical_eslII Analysis of clinical data (according to book ESL 2nd edition)
clinical_livercohort Analysis of clinical data from liver cohort study
generate_count Generate count tables from RNAseq data
integration_igraph Integerate different biological data with iGraph
integration_livercohort Integrate data from liver cohort study with another data sourc
microarray Analysis of microarray datasets
mutation Analysis of SNP data
rnaseq_deseq2 Analysis of RNAseq data using DESeq2
rnaseq_preprocess Preprocessing of RNAseq files to generate count data from FASTA files
rppa Analysis of Reverse Phase Protein Array (RPPA) data
simulated_geo_matrix Analysis of simulated gene expression and patient meta data
singlecell_seurat_mrkr_discov Single cell gene expression analysis for marker discovery (using Seurat)
singlecell_seurat_spatial_infer Single cell gene expression analysis for sepatial inference (using Seurat)
survival_simple Simple survival analysis
survival_tcga Survival analysis using TCGA data
tcga_browser Modules used in a shiny app to visualize TCGA data

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