I About data
Data in ActivityInfo over time
Data preparation
Technical aspects of the data
II Descriptive statistics
Recode table
Partners entering narrative data
Which partners do enter more records with narrative data per months?
Direct and indirect fields
The number of narrative records in sectors
Cantons and provinces entering narrative data
How many individuals are entering data?
III Response quality
Response quality
Variance of response word count per sector
How much does the average word count differ between sectors?
Distribution of word counts in response fields
Which sectors do receive high word counts in responses?
Median word count of responses
The Description field
Most effective question & descriptions
The “Qualitativo” questions
IV Text mining
Textual data preparation
Most common words
The key themes by tf and tf-idf
How does the term frequency change over time in sectors?
Most used bigrams
Word co-occurrences and correlations
Part of speech tagging
Dates and years in the responses
Sentiment analysis
Wordcloud responses
Published with bookdown
QualMiner: Text mining for the Venezuelan Humanitarian Response in Ecuador
Most common words