Part of speech tagging

We use the UDpipe library with the corresponding udpipe R package for PoS (part-of-speech tagging) and dependency parsing. UDpipe library is using Universal Dependencies5.

Universal Dependencies (UD) is a framework for consistent annotation of grammar (parts of speech, morphological features, and syntactic dependencies) across different human languages.

UDpipe package also offers tokenization and lemmatization; however, they are not the essential processes for this part because they are done in previous pages (see the section).

We install the corpus called Spanish-AnCora6.

UDpipe returns an output in a format called CoNLL-U7.

Here is a glance of the data below to show how it looks like behind the scenes:

doc_id paragraph_id sentence_id sentence token_id token lemma upos xpos feats head_token_id dep_rel deps misc
doc1 1 1 Se complem... 1 Se él PRON PRON Case=Acc,Dat|Person=3|PrepCase=Npr|PronType=Prs|Reflex=Yes 2 obj NA NA
doc1 1 1 Se complem... 2 complementa complementar VERB VERB Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root NA NA
doc1 1 1 Se complem... 4 entrega entrega NOUN NOUN Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 2 nsubj NA NA
doc1 1 1 Se complem... 5 realizada realizado ADJ ADJ Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|VerbForm=Part 4 amod NA NA
doc1 1 1 Se complem... 7 meses mes NOUN NOUN Gender=Masc|Number=Plur 5 obl NA NA
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Annotating text with UD is a computationally expensive operation. The output format is quite extensive and detailed, but we do not use all the features existing in the output. Mainly, the upos column is critical for this part of the analysis.

Here is the description of the columns to be used below. Please go to the specified links in the table for more detailed answers.

Column name Description
token word which can be analyzed as a single item
lemma non-inflected8 form of word
upos universal part-of-speech tag. see here

Unique part-of-speech tags in the responses (see here for details):

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16

Most common words by word classes

The term Word classes here refers nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

All the plots generated below use free scale on the x-axis.

Automated Keywords Extraction

RAKE, short for Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction, is a popular unsupervised method to extract keywords in texts. We will use it to find the word frequencies with respect to the occurence of words with other words in the text.

Alternatively, if we look at the words related with Venezuela whose RAKE scores are calculated:

keyword ngram freq rake key
población venezolano 2 5 7.1437249 población venezolano
nacionalidad venezolano 2 10 6.6184932 nacionalidad venezolano
venta ambulante 2 5 6.2500000 venta ambulante
ciudadano venezolano 2 4 6.1386019 ciudadano venezolano
familia venezolano 2 3 6.0695230 familia venezolano
colombiano venezolano 2 4 5.3315367 colombiano venezolano
mujer venezolano 2 22 5.2319461 mujer venezolano
persona venezolano 2 12 5.2125305 persona venezolano
emprendedor venezolano 2 2 5.1455464 emprendedor venezolano
emprendedora venezolano 2 4 4.8886019 emprendedora venezolano
prevención persona 2 3 4.7971429 prevención persona
hombre venezolano 2 2 4.6968526 hombre venezolano
higiene prevención 2 8 4.2857143 higiene prevención
minoría venezolano 2 4 4.2011019 minoría venezolano
Capacitación prevención 2 4 3.7857143 Capacitación prevención
venezolano 1 6 3.2011019 venezolano
evento socio 2 2 3.1354724 evento socio
evento deportivo 2 3 2.6060606 evento deportivo
ventana ventilación 2 3 2.0000000 ventana ventilación
intervención 1 11 1.9166667 intervención
evento 1 11 1.6060606 evento
venezolana entrevistado 2 4 1.2666667 venezolana entrevistado
venezolana 1 11 0.2666667 venezolana

Top phrases formed by noun and verb in the responses

Universal Dependencies also provides a visualization tool for the CoNLL-U format, see CoNLL-U file viewer.

For example, an example sentence from the response taken from the Protección_VBG is visualized via the file viewer tool as below.


UNFPA ha implementado un espacio seguro para la atención de mujeres en movilidad humana y gestión de casos en Sucumbíos-Puente San Miguel.


A dependency tree visualization from a response in *Protección_VBG*. Created with CoNNL-U file viewer.

Figure 15: A dependency tree visualization from a response in Protección_VBG. Created with CoNNL-U file viewer.

  1. Universal Dependencies

  2. AnCora

  3. Described at Accessed 5 September, 2019.

  4. “In morphology, inflection (or inflexion) is a process of word formation, in which a word is modified to express different grammatical categories such as tense, case, voice, aspect, person, number, gender, mood, animacy, and definiteness.”" Accessed 9 September, 2019.