Partners entering narrative data
Here, we look at the partners entering narrative data. The number of missing
records (namely NA
s) refer to that the data in ¿Socio?
indicating the name
of the reporting partner is left blank.
As we have seen previously, Not all Reporting and Implementing Partners record multi-line narrative textual data. For instance, the partner PMA has lots of Implementing Partners reporting for the different data types (as seen in above) but there are no narratives from them.

Figure 8: “Reporting” and “Implementing” partners reporting narrative data
70% of the narrative records are entered by the implementing partner HIAS reported via ACNUR. Only 25% of the narrative records are entered by ACNUR itself.
Also HIAS enters 35% of the narrative records via UNICEF.
The rest of the “reporting partners” do not have any “implementing partners”, as it seems that they do the implementation: ‘Dialogo Diverso’, ‘JRS Ecuador’, ‘Mision Scalabriniana’, ‘OPS/OMS’, ‘Plan Internacional’, ‘PNUD’, ‘UNESCO’ and ‘UNFPA’.